• Description

What is StudyFetch?

StudyFetch is a revolutionary new platform that allows you to upload your course materials and create interactive study sets. You can study with an AI tutor, create flashcards, generate notes, take practice tests, and more.

Studying new material isn't always easy. It's tedious, time-consuming, and repetitive

Your course material arrow Entire study set in 1 click.

From notes, pdfs, videos, & powerpoints, automatically receive flashcards, quizzes, and personalized chat help.

Be Prepared with AI Tutor

Spark.e, your AI tutor: accurately grades essays, quizzes, tracks your learning, and answers personally to any question about your study set.

Lecture Summary,Interactive Quizzes,and Flashcards

Our AI will generate, focused study tools for you from your lectures and course material, in seconds.

Can I upload my whole class lecture to StudyFetch?

Yes, you can even upload lectures that last up to an hour.

What types of course material can I upload?

You can upload a variety of formats including PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, PNG, JPEG, MP3, MP4, YouTube videos, and Google Docs.

Does my course material automatically convert into other features?

Spark.e, our AI tutor, allows you to interact directly with your study materials. You can ask questions, create flashcards, take practice tests, and customize your learning experience.

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